Welcome to Länstandvården in Fruängen! We offer first-class dental care by experienced dentists in a relaxed environment, for you who live or work in söderort. We strive to provide you with the best dental experience every time you visit us!
Customer relations
At Länstandvården, there is no room for bad atmospheres or bad dental experiences!
Quality requirements
We perform all of our work with the highest quality - that we can guarantee!
Payment options
We offer different payment methods for your dental visit - do it at your own pace!
Regular examinations by a dentist and dental hygienist results in better dental health. Let us take a closer look at your teeth and make sure they are in good condition!
Do you have crooked teeth or gaps that you are unhappy with? With modern orthodontic methods, we will help you correct them!
If you are missing any teeth, you can get help replacing them with dental implants. With us, you get an implant with a guarantee that is scientifically designed!
010-175 07 07
Länstandvården Hägersten AB | 559213-6849 | Läkarhuset, Fruängsgången 2, 129 52 Hägersten | Data protection policy