When you are in need of an emergency dentist appointment in Fruängen and surrounding areas, our emergency department is ready to help you. We offer fast and efficient emergency dental care by competent and experienced dentists.
Emergency dentist near you
Pain in the teeth often signals a problem that will not go away on its own. The sooner you go to a dentist and get treatment, the less is the chance that the problem will get worse. In the case of a knocked out tooth, chances are the dentist will be able to put it back if you come in as soon as possible. We also help you with other urgent problems such as a treating teeth affected by caries.
What causes pain in your teeth?
The most common causes of toothache are infections, exposed tooth necks and cracks in teeth after, for example, a head trauma. In advanced caries, when bacteria has entered the tooth and attacked the dental nerve, the pain can be very severe. You should always see an emergency dentist if you quickly experience a lot of pain, or if you have had a long-lasting, throbbing pain. Likewise, you should always have a dental examination if you have knocked out a tooth. It is the pain that determines whether you should book an emergency appointment or a regular dental examination.
Knocked out teeth
If you've knocked out a tooth, there's a chance we can put it back in and make the tooth grow back. Of course, this assumes that the tooth is intact and that you come to us as soon as possible. A knocked out tooth must be kept in liquid or it will dry out. The best thing is actually to keep it in the mouth, where it thrives the best. A little bit of saliva or a glass of milk also works well. Regardless of whether or not the tooth can be put back in, it's always good to come in so we can see if any other damage has occurred in the mouth.
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